Posts in Press

KeYs Project Kick-off Meeting at Veslaški Klub Piran

On November 16, the picturesque Veslaški Klub in Piran hosted the kick-off meeting for the KeYs project, gathering participants[…]

Marko Bolha Shares Three Years of Beach Sprint Insights at the Slovenian Rowing Coaches’ Annual Conference

At this year’s Slovenian Rowing Coaches’ Annual Conference, Marko Bolha took to the stage to share his experiences and[…]

VERTEBRAE Slovenia: Elevating Youth Athlete Well-Being and Injury Prevention in the KeYS Project

Introducing VERTEBRAE to the KeYS ProjectOne of the most exciting developments in the KeYS Project is our partnership with[…]

Embracing Change with the KeYS Project: A Fresh Perspective on Youth Sports

In the world of youth sports, traditional training methods often struggle to keep athletes motivated through their teenage years.[…]