
January 2025, weekend recap: KEYS Project Events!

The KEYS – Keeping Our Generation in Sports project had an exciting and eventful[…]

Erasmus+ KEYS: Keeping Our Generation in Sports Begins in Italy

This Sunday, January 12th, the Rowing Club Adriatico Fano will be buzzing with energy[…]

KeYs Project Kick-off Meeting at Veslaški Klub Piran

On November 16, the picturesque Veslaški Klub in Piran hosted the kick-off meeting for[…]

Marko Bolha Shares Three Years of Beach Sprint Insights at the Slovenian Rowing Coaches’ Annual Conference

At this year’s Slovenian Rowing Coaches’ Annual Conference, Marko Bolha took to the stage[…]

VERTEBRAE Slovenia: Elevating Youth Athlete Well-Being and Injury Prevention in the KeYS Project

Introducing VERTEBRAE to the KeYS ProjectOne of the most exciting developments in the KeYS[…]

Embracing Change with the KeYS Project: A Fresh Perspective on Youth Sports

In the world of youth sports, traditional training methods often struggle to keep athletes[…]